My ramblings, murmur, speaking my mind, thoughts on faith, life and death. An expression of a person, man, father, husband, employee, businessman, Catholic, Christian, etc. Experienced hurt, pain, grief, sorrow, trials, loneliness, sickness.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
A List to Live by:
- Most destructive habit: WORRY
- Greatest Joy: GIVING
- Greatest loss: LOSS of SELF-RESPECT
- Most Satisfying Work: HELPING OTHERS
- Most Endangered Species: DEDICATED
- Greatest Problem to Overcome: FEAR
- Most Effective Sleeping Pill: PEACE Of
- Most Powerful Force in Life: LOVE
- Greatest Asset: FAITH
- Most Beautiful Attire: SMILE
- Most Prized Possession: INTEGRITY
- Most Important in Life: GOD
Friday, November 23, 2012
8 Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life
By Leo Babauta
It's amazing how one simple, easy, positive action can change so much in a person's life.
One of the things that has had the biggest effect on my life is the realization of the power of gratitude. Simply giving thanks.
It has affected everything. It has made me a more positive person. A more productive person. A better achiever. A better husband and father and son and brother (at least, I like to think so). A happier person. I'm not perfect, but gratitude has made me better.
Can it change your life as well? I can guarantee it. You might not get the exact same benefits as I have, but there's no doubt in my mind that the simple act of gratitude on a regular basis will change anyone's life, positively and immediately. How many other changes can claim to be that quick, that easy, and that profound?
Let's take a look at some of the ways you can incorporate gratitude into your life, and how it will change your life. These are just some examples, based on my experience and the experiences of others I've talked with, and not all will apply to your life. But pick and choose the ones you think will work for you.
1. Have a morning gratitude session. Take one minute in the morning (make it a daily ritual) to think of the people who have done something nice for you, to think of all the things in your life you're grateful for. You won't get to everything in one minute, but it's enough. And it will instantly make your day better, and help you start your day off right. Can you think of a better use of one minute?
2. When you're having a hard day ... make a gratitude list. We all have those bad days sometimes. We are stressed out from work. We get yelled at by someone. We lose a loved one. We hurt a loved one. We lose a contract or do poorly on a project. One of the things that can make a bad day much better is making a list of all the things you're thankful for. There are always things to be thankful for -- loved ones, health, having a job, having a roof over your head and clothes on your back, life itself.
3. Instead of getting mad at someone, show gratitude. That's a major switching of attitudes -- actually a complete flip. And so this isn't always easy to do. But I can promise you that it's a great thing to do. If you get mad at your co-worker, for example, because of something he or she did ... bite your tongue and don't react in anger. Instead, take some deep breaths, calm down, and try to think of reasons you're grateful for that person. Has that person done anything nice for you? Has that person ever done a good job? Find something, anything, even if it's difficult. Focus on those things that make you grateful. It will slowly change your mood. And if you get in a good enough mood, show your gratitude to that person. It will improve your mood, your relationship, and help make things better. After showing gratitude, you can ask for a favor -- can he please refrain from shredding your important documents in the future? And in the context of your gratitude, such a favor isn't such a hard thing for the co-worker to grant.
4. Instead of criticizing your significant other, show gratitude. This is basically the same as the above tactic, but I wanted to point out how gratitude can transform a marriage or relationship. If you constantly criticize your spouse, your marriage will slowly deteriorate -- I promise you. It's important to be able to talk out problems, but no one likes to be criticized all the time. Instead, when you find yourself feeling the urge to criticize, stop and take a deep breath. Calm down, and think about all the reasons you're grateful for your spouse. Then share that gratitude, as soon as possible. Your relationship will become stronger. Your spouse will learn from your example -- especially if you do this all the time. Your love will grow, and all will be right in the world.
5. Instead of complaining about your kids, be grateful for them. Many parents (myself included) get frustrated with their children. They are too slow to do things, they have a bad attitude, they can't clean up after themselves, and they pick their nose too much. Unfortunately, sometimes parents will communicate that frustration to their children too often, and the kids will begin to feel bad about themselves. Many parents have done this, and while it's not perfect, it's a part of parenthood. But there's a better way: follow the method above of calming down when you're frustrated, and thinking of reasons you're grateful to your child. Share these reasons with your child. And then take the opportunity to teach them, instead of criticizing them.
6. When you face a major challenge, be grateful for it. Many people will see something difficult as a bad thing. If something goes wrong, it's a reason to complain, it's a time of self-pity. That won't get you anywhere. Instead, learn to be grateful for the challenge -- it's an opportunity to grow, to learn, to get better at something. This will transform you from a complainer into a positive person who only continues to improve. People will like you better and you'll improve your career. Not too shabby.
7. When you suffer a tragedy, be grateful for the life you still have. I've recently lost an aunt, and my children recently lost a grandmother. These tragedies can be crippling if you let them overcome you. And while I'm not saying you shouldn't grieve -- of course you should -- you can also take away something even greater from these tragedies: gratitude for the life you still have. Appreciation for the fleeting beauty of life itself. Love for the people who are still in your life. Take this opportunity to show appreciation to these people, and to enjoy life while you can.
8. Instead of looking at what you don't have, look at what you do have. Have you ever looked around you and bemoaned how little you have? How the place you live isn't your dream house, or the car you drive isn't as nice as you'd like, or your peers have cooler gadgets or better jobs? If so, that's an opportunity to be grateful for what you already have. It's easy to forget that there are billions of people worse off than you -- who don't have much in the way of shelter or clothes, who don't own a car and never will, who don't own a gadget or even know what one is, who don't have a job at all or only have very menial, miserable jobs in sweatshop conditions. Compare your life to these people's lives, and be grateful for the life you have. And realize that it's already more than enough, that happiness is not a destination -- it's already here.
[Leo Babauta is the owner of, a website devoted to providing clear and concise wisdom on how to simplify your life. He's also the author of, The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential, in Business and in Life.]
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Letter from Bob Proctor - Money is not the Goal
Hi Friend,
One of the key concepts to creating wealth is to understand that
money is not the goal. That's right, I said, money is not the goal.
Frequently people will tell me that they want to make money.
However, I know it is not money they are really after. It is the
things that money can buy and the freedom of time to do what they
really want. While you may think this is an insignificant
difference, it is actually the reason so many people never become
Most of us were taught throughout our childhood that the whole
point of making money is to sock it away and build our own 'nest
egg'. We think of this as a type of insurance against bad fortune,
accidents or old age when we can no longer work. The wealthy know
that money only works when it is in motion - not when it's sitting
in a bank account. You must understand that wealth is an ongoing
journey of growth and circulation and if that circulation is
stopped, then the flow of money will cease.
While it may seem that there are many roadblocks on your journey to
wealth, the only real obstacle is what you believe, think, and feel
about money. Most of us were raised with the cliché "Seeing is
Believing" which is a skeptical and negative view of life. Still,
we hear it our whole lives until it becomes a part of our thought
process without our even realizing it. Wealthy people understand
that this cliché is exactly backward - you must believe in what you
can achieve before you will see it happen in your life. They know
that "Believing is Seeing." The only thing that separates a
millionaire from you right now is a wealthy mindset and the
foundation of that mindset is belief.
Does this mean that the wealthy have some special skill or
knowledge? No - but they do possess some key characteristics that
help them become wealthy.
The first of these characteristics is a willingness to listen to
their own heart. If you could become wealthy by listening to the
masses, then the masses would be wealthy and they are not. It is a
natural tendency to ask the opinions of those we love or respect.
Unfortunately, we listen to their comments and biases not taking
into account the results in their own lives. We make a decision to
listen based on our emotional attachment rather than by looking at
what they have achieved. How can anyone who has not accumulated
wealth advise you on how to do it? They can't.
A second characteristic of the wealthy is the ability to act when
opportunities present themselves. Opportunity is often imagined to
be something that you can't miss or pass up. However, I know from
personal experience that opportunity is often only a whisper that
comes during some of the most trying times of life. If you read the
life stories of very wealthy and successful people, you will
frequently find they were fired from jobs, kicked out of school or
dealt with significant personal tragedies that other people would
view as devastating. Instead, they viewed the challenges as
opportunities and prospered.
The wealthy also understand that wealth is an ongoing process. It
is not a destination you arrive at one day and then stop. It is
also rarely accomplished overnight - although it can occur in a
short period of time. However, if you gain wealth before you have
gained a wealthy mindset then you are in danger of losing that
wealth forever. We have all heard of those that win the lottery
only to be near penniless a few years later. Since they were never
taught to think wealthy, they have very little chance of achieving
wealth that lasts and ultimately they lose what money they have.
Those with a wealthy mindset do what they love - and make money at
it. Often I see individuals who are seeking wealth like it's
something outside that they have to search for. In reality, wealth
exists within you. You have activities and hobbies that you love
and you can make these into your business if you choose to. Those
who are successful and create a great deal of wealth do so because
they are doing something they love. The money follows and is just a
logical result of them realizing their dream. Money is not the
Whether you grow up in the worst circumstance or have every
advantage, you have the exact same potential inside of you to
create the life you want. No matter how many times you read or hear
someone talk about how to become wealthy, your life will never
change until you believe that it can - Believing is Seeing.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
One of the key concepts to creating wealth is to understand that
money is not the goal. That's right, I said, money is not the goal.
Frequently people will tell me that they want to make money.
However, I know it is not money they are really after. It is the
things that money can buy and the freedom of time to do what they
really want. While you may think this is an insignificant
difference, it is actually the reason so many people never become
Most of us were taught throughout our childhood that the whole
point of making money is to sock it away and build our own 'nest
egg'. We think of this as a type of insurance against bad fortune,
accidents or old age when we can no longer work. The wealthy know
that money only works when it is in motion - not when it's sitting
in a bank account. You must understand that wealth is an ongoing
journey of growth and circulation and if that circulation is
stopped, then the flow of money will cease.
While it may seem that there are many roadblocks on your journey to
wealth, the only real obstacle is what you believe, think, and feel
about money. Most of us were raised with the cliché "Seeing is
Believing" which is a skeptical and negative view of life. Still,
we hear it our whole lives until it becomes a part of our thought
process without our even realizing it. Wealthy people understand
that this cliché is exactly backward - you must believe in what you
can achieve before you will see it happen in your life. They know
that "Believing is Seeing." The only thing that separates a
millionaire from you right now is a wealthy mindset and the
foundation of that mindset is belief.
Does this mean that the wealthy have some special skill or
knowledge? No - but they do possess some key characteristics that
help them become wealthy.
The first of these characteristics is a willingness to listen to
their own heart. If you could become wealthy by listening to the
masses, then the masses would be wealthy and they are not. It is a
natural tendency to ask the opinions of those we love or respect.
Unfortunately, we listen to their comments and biases not taking
into account the results in their own lives. We make a decision to
listen based on our emotional attachment rather than by looking at
what they have achieved. How can anyone who has not accumulated
wealth advise you on how to do it? They can't.
A second characteristic of the wealthy is the ability to act when
opportunities present themselves. Opportunity is often imagined to
be something that you can't miss or pass up. However, I know from
personal experience that opportunity is often only a whisper that
comes during some of the most trying times of life. If you read the
life stories of very wealthy and successful people, you will
frequently find they were fired from jobs, kicked out of school or
dealt with significant personal tragedies that other people would
view as devastating. Instead, they viewed the challenges as
opportunities and prospered.
The wealthy also understand that wealth is an ongoing process. It
is not a destination you arrive at one day and then stop. It is
also rarely accomplished overnight - although it can occur in a
short period of time. However, if you gain wealth before you have
gained a wealthy mindset then you are in danger of losing that
wealth forever. We have all heard of those that win the lottery
only to be near penniless a few years later. Since they were never
taught to think wealthy, they have very little chance of achieving
wealth that lasts and ultimately they lose what money they have.
Those with a wealthy mindset do what they love - and make money at
it. Often I see individuals who are seeking wealth like it's
something outside that they have to search for. In reality, wealth
exists within you. You have activities and hobbies that you love
and you can make these into your business if you choose to. Those
who are successful and create a great deal of wealth do so because
they are doing something they love. The money follows and is just a
logical result of them realizing their dream. Money is not the
Whether you grow up in the worst circumstance or have every
advantage, you have the exact same potential inside of you to
create the life you want. No matter how many times you read or hear
someone talk about how to become wealthy, your life will never
change until you believe that it can - Believing is Seeing.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Change your attitude, change your life.
Famous pastor and author Charles Swindoll says, " this may shock you, but I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day to day basis is my choice of attitude. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me."
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Morning Prayer
Oh Holy Spirit, at the beginning of this day, take away all burdens from my heart and fill it with joy.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Debt Sentence

“Crime doesn’t pay” is focused on the risk involved in “crime.” If you involve yourself in criminal activity, there is an inherent risk in getting caught. The higher the payout of the crime, the higher the risk of getting caught. Consequently, the higher the sentence.
Therefore if you get caught “crime doesn’t pay.” Simply put, lawbreakers do not benefit from their actions, and they always suffer the consequences later. In fact, most of the criminals get caught at the time they are nearing their golden years. The ironical thing is that due to the degree of the crime they committed, they are given life imprisonment (reclusion perpetua) or even worse, the maximum penalty which is the death sentence. Examples of heinous crimes that are punishable by death are illegal drugs trafficking, and murder,
What if the crime of a person is non payment of his debt? Is there a punishment? Sad to say there is none as of now. There is no one who has been imprisoned for not paying his debt. There are stories of people getting killed over unpaid debt. There is truth to the adage, “Debt is death to those who mismanage it.” Once I overheard one statement that goes like this, “Debt sounds like death. It might be the cause of your death.” Actually, the Bible has this to say:
Psalm 37:21 “T he wicked borrows and does not pay back, but the righteous is gracious and gives.”
If there is a death sentence for heinous crime against a fellow human being, there is also an equivalent penalty for no payment of debt to the creditor. It is the debt sentence. The most accurate description of a penalty of being a debtor is found in Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.”
This makes sense. Years ago, a friend in need approached me and borrowed money. When it was time to pay, he was always nowhere to be found. He mysteriously disappeared. Then I realized I had power over him. He was afraid to see me face to face. Even if he is not physically my slave, mentally, he has become a slave not to me but to money. His fear of facing me has become his punishment. Worse, he just destroyed in just a short period of time the credibility he has built over the years. The consequence of his action exceeds the value of the money he owed.
One of the most common personal finance crimes is to use the credit card and pay the minimum amount due. Credit card is a good financial tool. Used properly, it can be your slave. Abused properly, it can be your biggest problem. It is highly possible that majority does not know how credit cards can work against them. Innocence of the law excuses no one. The same holds true for personal finance.
Let us say the debt is P10,000. The minimum amount payable is P500 and interest pegged at 3.5 percent per month on the balance. Without considering other fees, it will take 33 months and P16,400 to pay off the original debt. Including the other hidden fees will result to a lifetime payment (like life imprisonment) and a never-ending accumulation of debt due to it’s compounding effect.
Most of the time, when people borrow money, they have a bad habit of using their home as collateral. According to Proverbs 22:26-27 “Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you”.
This verse makes perfect sense. I had a friend who loans out money in exchange for real estate property as collateral. Often times, the borrower would default on his payment. Then later, the borrower will be ejected after the court judged in favor of the lender. The borrower has no choice but give up his property and look for house for rent. Instead of saving more money, he will be renting his shelter for the rest of his life, which is also equivalent to life imprisonment.
The penalty for committing a crime depends on its degree. The higher the degree, the bigger the punishment. However, all of the penalties translate to one thing: loss of freedom. With debt, one also loses his financial freedom. He will always be running after money to pay his debtors. He will, apparently be the perpetual slave of money and also of his debtors. If innocence of the law excuses no one, then the only solution to avoid the debt sentence is not to be financially innocent . If crime does not pay, then it pays to invest in financial education!
Edmund Lao is a Registered Financial Planner of RFP Philippines. To learn more about personal financial planning, attend the RFP program Batch 29 on October 13 to December 8. For more details, please or visit
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
God does not.....
In life, God does not give you the people you want.
He gives you the people you need.
To teach you.
To hurt you.
To love you.
To make you laugh, and to make you exactly the person you should be.
Be fully enlightened .
He gives you the people you need.
To teach you.
To hurt you.
To love you.
To make you laugh, and to make you exactly the person you should be.
Be fully enlightened .
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Our Blessings...
“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.”
~Joseph Addison
~Joseph Addison
Saturday, August 11, 2012
GOD is good........
We are not supposed to always understand why certain things happen.
We don't have to always know the reasons why GOD allows somethings to take place.
All that HE asked from us is to trust HIM completely and let HIM be in control.
GOD will never fails us.
Not now.
Not ever.
GOD is good and great all the time
We don't have to always know the reasons why GOD allows somethings to take place.
All that HE asked from us is to trust HIM completely and let HIM be in control.
GOD will never fails us.
Not now.
Not ever.
GOD is good and great all the time
Friday, August 10, 2012
Take my yoke...
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest. ~ Matthew 11:29
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Trust GOD...
We are living in a fast changing world, but in this world we can be secure in the knowledge that GOD is in control.
Trust GOD always.
Trust GOD always.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Never ever grow tired of living your life...
Never ever quit on moving forward..
Never ever ever stop running..
For you never know how many persons are looking up to you and see you as their Inspiration in their own respective lives...
Keep on moving...
Keep on flying,
Keep on inspiring...
Keep the fire burning!
Never ever quit on moving forward..
Never ever ever stop running..
For you never know how many persons are looking up to you and see you as their Inspiration in their own respective lives...
Keep on moving...
Keep on flying,
Keep on inspiring...
Keep the fire burning!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Think about ..........
God's strength is enough to fight and win our battles. His riches enough for all our needs, His Wisdom teach and direct our paths.
Our God who knows you better than you know yourself, grant you the gift of courage to face the known and the unknown with out fear.
Our God who knows you better than you know yourself, grant you the gift of courage to face the known and the unknown with out fear.
August 1 - Today is the feast day of St. Alphonsus of Liguori
"St. Alphonsus of Liguori was an example of a zealous priest who won
souls by teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments, and by
his own gentle and mild manner which originated from his intense rapport
with God's infinite goodness. He had a
realistically optimistic view of the resources the Lord grants to every
man, and gave importance to affections and sentiments of the heart, as
well as to the mind, in loving God and others".
St. Alphonsus, pray for us.
St. Alphonsus, pray for us.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Ethan Walker III:
"Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and Compassion is what it acts like."
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Inspiring Quote of the Day
"Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity--and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature--is the true goal of human life."
~ Ammachi
Friday, July 6, 2012
Think About.....
No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.
~Napoleon Hill
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Think about........
Quit questioning our God and start trusting Him. You must learn to trust God’s timing. God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and He has a great plan and purpose for your life, your dreams may not have turned out exactly as you’d hoped. No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer. He will never give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself. - Kevin Tibi
Thursday, June 21, 2012
How to Learn New Things on Your Own
by Fitz Villafuerte
Learning should be a lifelong habit.
So if you can’t enroll in a culinary school, or attend a money seminar, or get a financial investment degree, or find a mentor for whatever it is you want to learn – then it’s really up to your own resources and efforts that you will acquire the knowledge and skills that you need.
Which now brings us to the topic of this article… how do you learn new things on your own?
Now here’s a strategy I’ve found very effective. A step-by-step plan which I’ve used to build up my knowledge of subjects like business economics, stock market investing, blog writing and even web development and programming.
It works most of the time and my friends have always shown surprise at how fast I can learn these kinds of subjects. I was able to not because my I.Q. is high, but because I had a system, which I think anyone can do.
First, I immerse myself in the subject – I bombard myself with information up to the point of overload. It seems counterproductive but drowning yourself with materials, both offline and online, prepares your brain for the possible work ahead.
Second, I stop looking for information and identify the key concepts that are present in most, if not all of the materials I have.
For example, if you read personal finance blogs and browse budgeting books – you’ll notice that every single one of them advocates paying yourself first – a sign that it is a key concept you must remember.
Third, learn and understand the key concepts first and disregard the supplementary details. When I was trying to learn about budgeting using the envelope method, I just focused on being able to distribute my income into the envelopes first and didn’t fret so much over the details of how much is the right allocation for each envelope.
Fourth, test your understanding. Take a comprehensive exam on the subject, or practice the skill. Expect that you will do poorly or fail – that is because you only know the key concepts. The important thing is to learn and see what you missed. This is where learning the supplementary details come in.
Look for the additional information you should learn to prevent those mistakes or improve your skill. You’ll see that since you already know the key concepts – you’re now ready to learn more details on the subject.
Last and final step, bombard yourself with more information from new sources, now focusing on the supplementary details that you need to learn – which now becomes your “new key concepts”.
In our example on budgeting using the envelope method, once you know how it works, the supplementary detail you might need to learn is how to properly allocate your income into each envelope – this is now the main lesson you need to learn.
So immerse yourself with materials, again both offline and online, on how to effectively balance and distribute your budget to your monthly needs; and pick out the key concepts in learning that skill.
And as you might have noticed, you’re now back at the first step.
Short to say, all you need to do now is to repeat these five steps over and over again and soon enough, you’ll realize that your comprehension about the subject has gone from zero to above average.
Congratulate yourself because you have learned something new on your own – new knowledge and new skills that will certainly help you improve your life.
Fitz Villafuerte is the author behind Ready to be Rich, a renowned personal finance blog in the Philippines, and a speaker at one of Lenddo’s previous meet-ups. This his fourth guest post for Lenddo.
Lenddo is a website where users can get low-interest loans (including professional training loans)and financial tips. Visit today to see how we can help you!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
A Better Place
— by Jennifer Benson Schuldt
When my friend Marci’s father-in-law passed away, she stopped making his favorite dessert: pineapple salad. One day, her little boy asked why she no longer served it. She replied, “It reminds me of Papa, and it makes me sad; Papa really liked that dessert.” Her son replied in a chipper tone, “Not better than heaven!”
• Heaven is God’s home. God’s followers will enjoy His presence for all eternity (Rev. 21:3-4).
• Heaven is comfortable in every way. Heaven’s residents will never be sick or upset (21:4), hungry or thirsty (7:16).
• Heaven is a beautiful place. A “clear as crystal” river will flow from God’s throne (22:1), and God Himself will give heaven its light (22:5).
Do things in this world sometimes remind you of believers who have moved on to the next world? If so, it’s comforting to think that they are now enjoying heaven—a better place by far.
If God has made this world so fair,
Where sin and death abound,
How beautiful beyond compare
Will paradise be found! —Montgomery
The pleasures of earth cannot be compared
to the joys of heaven.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Getting It Right On The Inside
— by
Joe Stowell
I love the story of Jonah! It’s full of drama and important life lessons. After stubbornly refusing to do God’s will, Jonah finally preached a revival service in Nineveh that would have made him one of the most successful missionaries of his time. When the people repented and turned from their wicked ways—and when God relented and turned from His anger against them—you would have expected Jonah to rejoice. Instead, he was angry that God was merciful. Why? Although he was finally obeying God by doing the right thing in the right place, he was deeply flawed on the inside.
Like Jonah, if we are not careful, we can be spiritually “looking good” on the outside, but far from God in our hearts. He is most interested in what we are like on the inside. His Word is “sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit” (Heb. 4:12). With it, He performs divine surgery to remove the greed, dishonesty, hatred, pride, and selfishness that live in the deep shadows of our hearts.
So the next time the Holy Spirit convicts you and asks you about your bad attitude (see Jonah 4:4)—listen carefully. Surrender and let Him change you from the inside out.
I confess, heavenly Father, that I know what it’s liketo be more concerned about my outward obediencethan my inner rebellion. I want to look good to others.Forgive me. Change me and make me pure within.
If God controls you on the inside,
you’ll be genuine on the outside.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Knowing where to tap.....
Ever heard the story of the giant ship engine that failed? The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.
Two of the ship’s owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed! A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.
“What?!” the owners exclaimed. “He hardly did anything!”
So they wrote the old man a note saying, “Please send us an itemized bill.”
The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer …………………… $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap ……………………. $ 9998.00
Tapping with a hammer …………………… $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap ……………………. $ 9998.00
The lesson of the story: It pays to know where to tap.
Monday, April 16, 2012
On failure......
If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
~Mary Pickford
Friday, April 13, 2012
On Failure....
Failure is the hallmark of success. It can be the starting point of a new venture, such as when a baby learns to walk; it has to fall down a lot to learn the new skill. Failure is also the mark of a success you've worked for. When a pole vaulter finally misses in competition, it shows how far he's come. That failure becomes the starting point for his next effort, proving that failure is not final!
~Dave Anderson
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Think about.....
Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.
-Dale Carnegie
Sunday, April 8, 2012
On tithing..............
tithing is only one of the keys to prosperity. There are other practical keys that one has to do to become prosperous. Like what? Like living simply; And saving regularly; And learning how to invest and knowing where to invest
~ Bo Sanchez
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Think about...
You can't always control the thought that pops into your mind, but you can always control the direction your feet are headed.
Making them walk the right direction can save you from sin and preserve your integrity.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Give thanks always.
The reason why some people are not happy and not enjoying life is because they have trained their minds to complain, to worry and to see the negative.
Renew your mind according to the Word of God. Have a positive attitude and be grateful. Live with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. The seeds of ingratitude, bitterness, envy nor strife cannot take root in a grateful heart.
Give thanks always.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
i still grieve
My son Angelo Gene died from complications caused by dengue in August 2010. He was 10. I and my wife and the family are still grieving although in different degrees. And I blame myself and God for taking somebody who is so young and loved.
I'm sorry Gelo my son for taking for granted your sickness
Please forgive me for all that I did to you......
Thank you for spending time with us for 10 happy years..
I love you and I return you to our Creator....
Friday, March 30, 2012
My Child,
Are you falling into your old, destructive habits? When you fail, smile and stand up again. Don’t give up. Just move on. Start over. Forgive yourself. Remember: I don’t give up on you.
Always forgiving,
P.S. I have a habit of finishing what I started. I began a good work in you and I will carry it on to completion.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Think about.....
The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you if you don’t let it get the best of you.
~Will Rogers
Friday, March 23, 2012
Think About....
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
~ Louis E. Boone
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The 3 "F's" to Life's Greatest Riches
by Darcy Keith
In one week's time, which was just two and a half weeks ago, my family experienced two losses. While facing my losses, I was forced to face my riches. The first loss was the tragic and unexpected death of one of my good friends, De, who was thirty-six years old as well as four and a half months pregnant with her third child. The second loss was the death of myeighty-seven year old great-uncle, Jack, the last "grandparent" figure in our small family.
During my Uncle Jack's funeral, the pastor said something which caused me to put down my tear-soaked tissue for a moment and think. Yes, there will be a void in my heart for both De and Uncle Jack. But, we celebrate their lives and how we are richly blessed by knowing them. And, we will get to see them one day in heaven because both had accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Richly blessed, rich? We don't seem to hear that word a lot today. The pastor went on to say that there are three "F's" to the greatest riches in the world. These are faith, family, and friends. When we have faith, we are children of the richest King in the world! That King makes us heirs to mansions in heaven.
I am rich because I have family that cares for and loves me. If I didn't have a family like this, who knows where I would be after receiving life-threatening injuries in my car crash in which two of my friends perished? Would I have received the best medical care and treatment or just been admitted to any medical facility?
I am rich because I have friends that care how my family is doing. They help celebrate successes and are there when I hit milestone birthdays. When times are tough, I remind myself of the blessings in my life. And suddenly, I remember I'm rich, and life is grand again. Though there are times when money may be tight, look around you. You have the keys to life's greatest riches.
Take a look to see what part the three "F's" play in your life. Do you make time for your faith? Your family? Your friends? If not, what's stopping you? As I see it, the three "F's" don't cost any money. But, they do "cost" time.
Here are three thoughts to gain the greatest riches in your life today:
1. Invest in your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Spend more quality time with you family. This could be taking a walk around your neighborhood or going to the park, or maybe even sitting down an eating dinner together at least five times a week.
3. Get together for fellowship and great times with friends.
It's time well invested, and riches well received.
To your wealth!
Darcy Keith is a national award-winning professional speaker and author, and is an expert on overcoming challenges. She has presented before various corporations, associations, service organizations, churches, and universities, as well as being featured on various television and radio venues including ABC, CBS, and FOX. To sign up for Darcy's FREE inspirational newsletter on "Living the Life You Really Want", visit her website,, or to contact Darcy, eMail her
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Written by a 90 year old.
This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read to the end!!!!!!
Written by Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer.
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.
My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
13. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
14. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.. But don't worry; God never blinks.
15. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
16. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
17. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
18. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
19. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
20. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
21. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
22. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
23. The most important sex organ is the brain.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
26. Always choose life.
27. Forgive everyone everything.
28. What other people think of you is none of your business.
29. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
31. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
32. Believe in miracles.
33. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
34. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
35. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
36. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
37. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
38. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
39. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
40. The best is yet to come...
41. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
42. Yield.
43. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
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