Friday, January 22, 2021


Taken from this site

Did you know that any passage, no matter the length, can be memorized fairly easily without having to stress and slave over it?

No joke.

If you or your students have trouble memorizing, I’d be willing to guess you haven’t tried the best and easiest way to memorize anything – the whole method.

How to memorize anything without even trying

The whole method is this: Instead of slaving over each phrase of a passage, trying desperately to remember it, you simply read the entire selection over and over.

You don’t stress about whether or not it’s getting in your head. You just read it. And read it again. And again.

At first it will seem as if you are not making any progress at all. You may read the passage twenty times and still feel as if you haven’t learned any of it. But that’s not true. If you keep reading the selection, one day you’ll realize that you know some of it. Just keep at it. A few more times through and you’ll have most of it down. Keep at it and you’ll have memorized the entire passage.


  1. It’s so easy. Reading the passage doesn’t take a lot of mental concentration and doesn’t feel like a lot of work. All you have to do is read it.
  2. You remember it better. If you try to learn a selection piece by piece, then you often have trouble remembering which piece comes next. The whole method vastly eliminates this problem because you learned the entire passage as one piece. In addition, the whole method helps you remember the entire selection for longer.

So if your student has been struggling to memorize a selection for school – or if you want to memorize on a passage of Scripture, try the whole method, and you’ll be thrilled with the results.


  1. Find a good time to memorize. I said this method was easy, but I never said it was fast. Reading the passage over and over definitely takes time. The key is to find a time each day when you can work on this. For me, it’s while I blow dry my hair. This takes a little less than ten minutes each day, and if I’m not memorizing I’m just sitting there daydreaming, so it’s a great use of my time. I’ve been able to memorize an incredible amount of Scripture just in those ten minutes a day. Find a time like this for you or your student and start using it to memorize. (Car rides are great for non-drivers.)
  2. Be consistent. Once you find a time to memorize, you have to be consistent. Reading the passage a few times won’t do you any good. You’ve got to read it over and over and over. Don’t give up if it feels like you’re not making progress. You are. If you’re running into a deadline, just increase your frequency.
  3. Read out loud if possible.When you read silently, your brain is engaged. When you read out loud your brain, lips, and ears are all involved. This increased involvement helps you learn more quickly.
  4. Review. Once you have a passages memorized, review it. Otherwise, you will eventually forget it. Maybe set aside one day a week of your memorization time to review.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

8 Secrets For Memorizing Things Easily

 This article picked-up from this site

In this article you will find very useful tips that will help you for memorizing things easily.

If you are among the people who are struggling to remember names of people you’ve met, small details, or some other details from films or books, you should know that this is something you can improve.

One German psychologist conducted experiments to study the human memory, and included some methods for the amount of information we can remember.

He made few lists that contained words without meaning, and included them to evaluate the learning of free meaning. He claimed that we learn new information with our previous knowledge, therefore he wanted to experiment with words that didn’t have any meaning.

Memorizing Easily

He tested the rate at which we start forgetting the new information. He noticed that he forgot a lot of information in 20 minutes, and more than half of it in the next hour.

He forgot 2/3 of the information that same day, but he remembered the rest. If he retains the information for the following day, it means it is stored in the memory.

He also concluded that people learn better and easier when the information is repeated more times which is spaced out over a longer period.

Explanation of this technique:

Short-term storage:

  • Right after learning – 1st Repetition
  • After 20 min – 2nd Repetition
  • After 8 hours – 3rd Repetition
  • After a day – 4th Repetition

Long-term storage:

  • Right after learning – 1st Repetition
  • After 20 min – 2nd Repetition
  • After a day – 3rd Repetition
  • After 2 weeks – 4th Repetition
  • After 2 months – 5th Repetition

Some other tips and information about memorizing things easily:

1. You have to be able to understand the information if you want to store it in your memory and recall it later.

2. You have to memorize the things that are most important first, and then pay attention to other things.

3. Usually, people memorize things easily if they are learning them at the beginning, or at the end.

4. When you are learning a new language, you should associate the words with those you are already familiar with.

5. Also, when learning new vocabulary from a foreign language, you will remember it easier if you learn the opposite words as well.

6. You should also visualize the words you learn, and use your body language, because you will easily recall it afterwards.

7. You should try to link one word with another, and you will remember them together.

8. Take after these tips and you will never forget the important things again!

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